Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Did IDS really pass the "fit and proper" test?

To the Right Honourable Theresa May MP

Dear Theresa,

Your colleague, Mr Duncan Smith, is quoted in today's Daily Mail as saying:

"The fact is that the Government’s opponents — who constitute a group of modern-day Luddites — are throwing around these misleading terms in a deliberately malicious and provocative fashion, and will stop at nothing in their attempts to mislead the public on this issue."

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2104022/The-delusions-X-Factor-sneering-job-snobs-betray-young.html#ixzz1n1cgtnP0

A Government Minister has called me "stock" before now. Now Mr Duncan Smith has termed me a spinning "Luddite", by which reference he is accusing me of criminal activity. I can confirm I have never been near neither a mechanised loom, nor a "spinning jenny".

When we spoke recently, you denied that the Government was attempting to "demonise" the disabled fighting for their lives.

I believe that Mr Duncan-Smith's actions warrant a referral to the relevant parliament ombudsman on the grounds of suspicion of bringing the House into disrepute.

As this is a serious charge, I would be grateful if you could confirm today what action you are minded to take.

Your loyal constituent

Ian M Jones

More to follow when I stop laughing!

1 comment:

  1. You have been eyed lurking with criminal intent round the jenny that doth spin and I unveil you, sir!

    Hazel Ponsonby-Quinn III
