Sunday, 5 February 2012

E-mail to The Right Honourable Theresa May MP following her Surgery on the 3rd February 2012

Dear The Right Honourable Theresa,

Thank you for meeting with me on Friday and I felt we had a useful discussion.

I would just like to confirm that you were planning to approach Lord Coe to identify why he hadn't mentioned in his correspondence to you why LOCOG had appointed an American into a Management Position both prior to the closing date for applications for that position and in preference to qualified UK applicants whose applications were not considered. I also would like to amplify my request to you that the reason why LOCOG were granted a work permit for this position by your department be disclosed to me.

I was aware that you seemed genuinely upset when I related to you that I felt the Government was demonising me and the many millions of other disabled people in the UK. My interpretation was that you explained to me that this was neither Government Policy nor the intention of the Government. I also believe that you did not accept that the actions of your Government could be reasonably interpreted in such a way. I believed this to be a very sincere expression of your views on this subject, for which I thank you.

With this in mind, I would like to point you towards an article in tomorrows Guardian, titled: -

"Benefit cuts are fuelling abuse of disabled people, say charities"
which reinforces my point that the disabled community is starting to feel demonised, scapegoated and threatened by attacks from Government Ministers which in my opinion bear a slight, but very worrying, resemblance to the way that the Nazi's targeted elements of the German population in the 1930s.

I would therefore be very grateful if you could consider this article alongside our discussion on Friday and consider whether the actions of your Government are in any way encouraging this.

I have, and will continue to, include copies of our correspondences and my thoughts on our meetings on my Blog, which is at address: - If you have any concerns or worries about the content of this Blog, either in respect of its accuracy or my interpretation of the facts, please contact me and I will be happy to resolve these with you.

Thank you once again for seeing me at your Surgery last Friday evening and I once again very much enjoyed the opportunity to discuss the issues affecting me, with you.

With kind regards,

Ian M Jones

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